Lamplighters Academy

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The future just got brighter

Our Mission

Our mission is to engage your children so they leave school inspired and challenged each day. We’re excited to offer JK, SK & Grade 1 placements for the 2023/24 school year. In doing so, we value and implement:

  • An integrated Ontario-aligned General and Jewish Studies curriculum that feeds off the child’s natural love for learning without the time constraints of a half-day program
  • Fostering children’s pride and connection to their Judaism and Israel by learning in English what it takes to be a 21st century Jew
  • Dedicated time each day to go beyond talking about being a mensch to enacting what it means

We want your child to be a leader. A self-confident, proactive mover and shaker whose passion for learning, curiosity and strong sense of self lights up everyone and everything within a hundred mile radius and more.

An influencer—perhaps a quiet, gentle one, perhaps a noisy, wildish one. Each one with their own personality, lighting up the planet in their unique, special way.

We Are Disruptive


Small class sizes with low teacher-to-student ratios.
Rigorous General Studies instruction grounded in best practices and up-to-date research.
Jewish Studies curriculum taught in English.
A full-day, integrated curriculum, with one core teacher, where General and Jewish Studies learning compliment one another, not just compete for valuable time.
An intimate educational environment with involved administration.

Want to learn more? Check out the Lamplighters Academy Blog!

Here's how we do it

  • Innovative Learning

    Innovative Learning

    Lamplighters Academy puts a 21st century face lift on strong pedagogy and instructional best practices. Our instructional approach comprises an artful blend of research-backed direct instruction in reading, writing and math with engaging and forward-thinking hands-on project-based learning. By bringing these two usually divergent approaches together, Lamplighters students are able to apply their strong math and literacy skills in creative, real-world contexts.

    Woven throughout are daily opportunities to learn what it takes to be a mensch…a Lamplighter. Specifically, our students learn how to use their academic and 21st century skills for good; think applying coding skills from Ontario’s math curriculum to develop a robot that helps individuals with mobility challenges light the Chanukiah each night.

    It's innovative learning, the Lamplighters way.

    More on Teaching & Learning at Lamplighters Academy.

  • Excellence in Education

    Excellence in Education

    You want your child to excel in the Ontario Curriculum, to open their mind to wonder. You also want your child to have a solid Jewish Education. You don’t want to compromise on either end.

    We get it. No problem.

    Toronto is rich with excellent educators. We hire OCT-certified teachers who are passionate and dedicated to the subject matter and the success of the students. Part-time assistants in each classroom ensure teacher-to-student ratios that result in consistent, personalized attention for each child. Weekly embedded professional development means our teachers have the time to reflect on their practice and constantly tweak their approach to giving your child a fantastic education.

    More on General & Jewish Studies curriculum at Lamplighters Academy.

  • Class Size

    Class Size

    We are committed to smaller class sizes, an ideal of around 15 students, which enables our teachers to best meet the needs of each and every child that they work with.

    Smaller classes mean more attention on a daily basis. It also means:

    - Consistent feedback can be given to support children in growing as learners each day

    - Games, lessons and projects can be customized to encourage engagement based on each child's interests

    - Children don't get lost during whole class instruction; teachers are better able to monitor student understanding and participation in a smaller class

    - Small group learning becomes even more valuable as teachers can work with reasonably-sized groups designed with student needs in mind

    Your child is special to us, and their leanring and success is integral. Providing them with a class based on best practice ensures that our teachers can give them everything they deserve.

  • Judaics


    If I want to communicate with you, I have to speak your language. So, if we want every child to learn — and to enjoy learning — we better teach them in their language.

    All the more so when our goal is for children to identify with the heroes of our people and to feel that this is not his story or her story, but our story, relevant to me today — we’ve got to teach it in the language they speak today. Outside of Hebrew Language instruction, our Judaic subjects are taught in English.

    Of course, we also want our children to read, speak, and understand the language of the Jewish people, the language spoken today in Israel. Our goal is fluent reading and basic conversational modern Hebrew.

  • Israel


    Let's talk Israel and your child. Seriously.

    We all know what's happening on University campuses. We all know the challenge our kids will face with their connection to their People and to Israel when they go there.

    Everything we plant in them now could get uprooted and blown away in a few swift months.

    Lamplighters will provide deep roots. These kids have a 4,000 year backstory beneath their feet and they're growing tall and mighty in the 21st century!

    A Jewish child has to know that we as a people are inseparable from one another, inseparable from our land, and intrinsically bonded to the safety of the people who live there.

    It’s a bond that transcends politics, opinions, or religious commitment. It’s a soul bond. This land is our mother and we are its child. No one can tear us apart.

  • Meditation, Song and Prayer

    Meditation, Song and Prayer

    So they've got this time each morning to get in touch with their inner self, to commune with a Higher Power, to sense awe, wonder and deep love.

    How do they spend it?

    Their head bent over a prayer book, reciting words that have no meaning to them?

    Or rather contemplating on gratitude for what they have. Joyously breathing life into the precious, ancient words of our people.


Brand new state-of-the-art building in the heart of the Avenue & Lawrence Neighbourhood

(Ledbury Jewish Centre) 157 Falkirk St.

Building Highlights

Custom Spacious Classrooms


Game Room


Beautiful Outdoor Green Space

Basketball Gym

Workshop Space

Rooftop Play Space